Why It Is Important to Consult With a Title IX Lawyer

If you are an accused student facing a sexual misconduct hearing at a high school, college or university or the parent of a child who has been accused of date rape, harassment or assault, it is important to consult with a title ix lawyer. During these sensitive and highly complex proceedings, the decisions made by university administrators can have serious implications for your educational career as well as future employment. If you believe that your rights are being violated, or there are any issues with bias or failure to follow published procedures, a title ix attorney can make sure that objections are recorded in the official record and will be brought up for consideration on appeal.

What is the Title IX defense in Washington state?

A Title IX lawyer will help you compile compelling evidence demonstrating that your rights have been violated, such as correspondence, eyewitness accounts and school handbooks, and file a complaint with the federal office of civil rights if necessary. In addition to filing a lawsuit, a title ix lawyer can also assist you in preparing for a possible hearing by providing you with sample questions for the accuser and his or her witnesses as well as assisting you to prepare statements that will be used against the accuser at the hearing.

Our Long Island Title IX lawyers routinely handle cases of sexual discrimination based on gender, including sexual harassment, unwanted advances and touching and sexual assault. Our firm takes pride in our extensive experience with these matters and we usually handle them on a contingency basis.

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